My name is Mark Pietraniec, I am the President and Founder of Deck Gear LLC, producers of “the Ultimate Fishing Seat“. I am also a Firefighter for Sarasota Florida. I have over 29 years in uniform including 8yrs on active duty as a Hospital Corpsman in the United States Navy. I am married to my wife of 25 years and we have two great kids. The one thing that I didn’t have until recently was a decent fishing seat. |
I got hooked on Tarpon Fishing here on the Gulf Coast many seasons ago. I went out and purchased my first boat, a 2007 Pathfinder 2200V, and tried to get it ready for the Tarpon season. I spent some pretty decent money on rods/reels/trolling motor etc. and started fishing. I learned how to catch and fight Tarpon from the bow of my boat without a seat and actually got pretty good at it. One of my fishing buddies that owned a “Bike seat” would bring it along with him from time to time when he fished on my boat but I just never fell in love with it. |
Several years ago, I took my father and my son fishing for, you guessed it, father’s day. I was able to get my Dad (who was in his late 60’s at the time) hooked up on his First Tarpon. He tried to fight it from the bow but the 2-3 foot rollers that we had that day quickly forced him to move to the deck. We eventually ended up landing the fish for a quick picture after he spent the majority of the fight sitting on the cooler. That was the day that I knew I needed to find a fishing seat for my boat. |
I started talking to friends, going to marine stores, and scouring the internet. I was looking for a seat that would be rock solid up front, provide me with a rod holder (or two) and a place to keep a drink. I was sick of having to either hold my rod for hours at a time or run back and forth to the center console every time I wanted to cast on fish. Although I looked for over a year I never found anything I was willing to pull the trigger on. Most of the seats that I saw were either the “bass” or “bike” seats, which in my opinion should stay on bass boats, or sit down models with full back and arm rests, that in my opinion belong on the back of a 30’+ boat, not on the front of my 22’ bay boat. So I set out to build my own. |
I took some designs that I had been working on to a few local aluminum fabricators and picked one that I knew put out a great product. He made my first seat and I got to go fishing. End of story right? Wrong! I haven’t been able to go out on my boat since without one or two guys stopping me to ask where I got that seat. You watch an Angler examine it or sit on it for the first time and you can just see the wheels turning in his/her head. I have had such an overwhelmingly positive feedback from family, friends, and people that I just met, that I decided to put the seat on the market and share it with you. |
I look forward to providing a product to the boating/fishing community that I think is Unique, Well Built, Well Designed, and Well Priced. We have listened to the feedback that we have received on the early models of the seat and made some tweaks, and added options or upgrades that you can enjoy on yours. Please consider our products when the time comes for you to make your purchase, we won’t let you down. If you have any questions about Deck Gear products please Contact us at 941-809-6782 or Email us at [email protected] |